
ISO 9001 - Certification Icon

ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is a global standard for customer focus, quality production, and delivery of the ordered product that Elektro Assemblies is certified to. ISO 9001 has principles that are adhered to by Elektro Assemblies that provide value and quality to the customer’s product: including vigorous quality control and inspection, continuous improvement during the manufacturer process and inspection, and responsive and timely response to any issues the customer may have.

RoHS Compliant - certification icon

RoHS Compliant

The Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) is a limit that focuses on reducing and having a maximum allowed amount for ten hazardous substances. Elektro Assemblies is committed to reducing our impact on the environment and mitigating health risks for those who use products manufactured here. These restricted compounds included heavy metals, polybrominated chemicals, and phthalates.

IPC WHMA - certification icon

Wire Harness Manufacturer’s Association (WHMA)

The Wire Harness Manufacturer’s Association (WHMA) is the industry standard for both cable and wire harness assemblies and criteria that must be adhered to by the manufacturer to provide quality products to their customers. Elektro Assemblies meets the WHMA standard for the wide range of harnesses that are produced here. The adherence to the standards helps to produce quality harnesses that meet or exceed customer requirements for their various harness requirements.

UL Listed - certification icon

Underwriter Labratories (UL)

Underwriter Labratories (UL) certifications are used when a product has been made and shown to meet the high safety standards required by the UL. The product must be developed and made using components that all function to proudce a finished good that adheres to strict safety guidelines. Elektro Assemblies manufactures customer products that can be labelled as UL certified.

NAICS - certification icon


Elektro Assemblies is a part of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and has worked with the federal government to create harnesses and parts for various contracts.




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